Friday, January 16, 2009

Mac Users

Why are Mac users so delusional?

i mean really i had a guy come in to the office today asking when the national site was going to have support for mac? when i told him that i have no idea what national is or does with there site. and i was surprised that he was not able to use the site. Now you have to understand that my company is a non profit and as such does not have the resources to invest in the best web software. my guess is they use a version of have that mac does not support. he did not seem to understand so i told him that i was not sure if they would any time soon. they have not up to this point and i don't see them changing in the near future. then he told me that he's sure that they have have a lot of complaints about this problem. i then informed him that again i don't know but that as mac is such a small part of the market i was not sure if they would be working on it or not.

Now if you know a mac user these are fighting words. his response was that mac's were not a small part of the market and he knows because when he on an airplane all he sees are mac's. i then told him that may be so how ever mac still make up a bout 10% of the over the total market place.

granted it's a little higher in the us but still its not a large amount.

Now as long as i can remember i have heard about the great and Glorious mac. how its so much better. it never crashes, and there are no viruses or hacks for it. how pretty it looks. and all that kinda of stuff.

1. lets look at never crashes this is false it crashes it crashes about as much as windows. but mac users don't know that they think that because people talk about crashes on a PC that it means it does it more. but when there are times the amount of users your going to hear about it more. now if we accept that mac crash less then why could that be? hmm maybe it has something to do with the fact that every little thing that is made for the mac has to be approved by apple. so yeah if you have to meet all of there requirements it is going to work better. but this is also why there is allot less software made for it.

2. Viruses why are there allot less viruses and hacks. however even apple has admitted that there are viruses and hacks for the mac on there website. although when people picked up on it they took it off. just look ate the last hacker convention the mac was hacked. but lets face it there aren't enough users to make it worth while for the the Russian and Chinese to bother.

3. Are mac's pretty? heck yeah lets face it as for looks i have no complaints. they look freaking beautiful. but you can dress up a pig but its still a pig.

The cost of them oh my. talk about expensive you can get a faster more powerful PC for half the price. so gee let me think to i pay more for pretty? or pay less more for power, more storage, more software, more support ? gee let me think.

now there we come to vista. is VISTA as bad as apple would like you to believe? the short answer is no. was it bad when it first came out? yes it was bad, but again not as bad as it was made out to be. but that is the way with Microsoft they never put out a very good product at first it is always the updates and service packs that fix it. which granted sucks. they use the first realize as a beta test. and if you know this you stay away for a bit.

the mac PC commercials are funny. heck i love them. but they are almost completely false in fact in countries were you can't lie about your competitor in commercials they can't eve air most of them.

Microsoft has this reputation as being a monopoly. but have you looked at apple? they dictate every thing from what software you run to what hard ware you can put in it. and if you use something they have not approved guess what. they turn it off. want to by cheap ram? sorry you can't. why? is it because it wont work? nope it will work just fine but apple does not like that so they turn it off you have to by their more expensive ram. kinda like a dictator really either you do things there way or not at all.

it boils do to this with a mac you have to change your way of doing things to fit it. with a PC you change it to fit you needs. I don't Think PC's are prefect or the best. I all I'm saying is that mac users need to get over it and realize that Mac's are not perfect.

and if mac are sooo much better, like we have heard for so long now why are they not more widely used? thats something to think about.


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