Thursday, January 15, 2009

Banning Cell Phones while driving

KSL News is reporting today that that lawmakers are considering banning cell phones while driving. Now I'm all for getting people to pay attention to the road. Living here in Utah where people can't drive to start with. i want them as focused on the road as possible. but lets face it folks people are idiots. wither they have a cell phone to their ear or not. talking on a cell phone does effect people ability to drive, that is with out a doubt. It also seems that, so does putting them behind a wind shield.

now as for texting and emailing while driving if people are stupid enough to do that while driving i say let them them do it. that way in a few years they all be dead from horrible crashes and the rest of us will be safe. i know thats not whats going to happen it will be more like they live and the people they hit die. just like the morons who drink and drive.

"Rep. Phil Riesen, D-Salt Lake City, wants an all-out ban except for emergencies and public safety personnel. He's introducing a bill, HB0095, that would make talking, text-messaging or e-mailing while driving a class C misdemeanor that could result in jail time. "

This would be awesome just picture it. Salt lake City Jail, small little man walks in to his new cell and sees a big burly mountain of a man sitting on the lower bunk.

Big Bubba: So little man whatch in for?

Little Man: Mail fraud. what are you in for if i might ask? you didn't kill any one or something did you?

Big Bubba: HAAAAaaa no no I was talking on my cell phone while i was driving down the 15 going to my daughter's piano recital.

you didn't see that coming did you.

Rep. Phil Riesen, D-Salt Lake City. is clearly and idiot who does not live in the real world. the fact is you can't take cell phones way from people in a car why? because there are to many people who have them. and just because you make it illegal it's not going to stop people from doing it. (just ask the RI AA. people still download mp3's don't they) people will talk on there phone and when they see a cop they duck there head or put the phone down. but they will still talk on there cell phone, and there is nothing short of banning all cell phones that is going to change that.


Shane Ellis said...

What I thought was kinda funny about the proposed law is that it excludes police officers. Why should they be allowed to text while driving? Isn't a cop texting while driving just as dangerous as anyone else texting while driving? Don't cops get away with enough bad driving habits as it is?

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